Just curious if it is a problem with the build as I have seen earlier versions (e.g. Made the following changes by setting the resolution at 640x480 and Vsync on, and have also used the NVidia Control Panel to boost the performance of the Emulator to maximum using my gfx card. I have exhausted almost all options trying to make changes to the Video Plugin using 11DxOld and 11Dx (PS: Disabling Auto Sort is not an option as it would render the characters "invisible" and hidden behind another layer). Have tested the rest of the Atomiswave games and none seem to crash the system the way Metal Slug 6 does, and it's usually quite haphazard as it would crash a few minutes into the game or as early as the start when turning from left to right while pressing the fire button. :tup:Īm just curious if anyone is facing the same issue with running the Atomiswave version of Metal Slug 6 on the last official build of Demul v0.7? (Alpha Build 111117) I have also tested using Demul v0.7 Alpha Build 180816 but the results are the same. Would like to thank the creators of this absolutely brilliant emulator first and foremost.